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St. Paul's Primary School, Cabra, Newry

News - P1/2

6th Sep 2024
Our new arrivals had a wonderful week settling in to their new school.

2023/2024 School Year

14th Jun 2024
P1-P4 had a great day at Mountpanther Farm Park and thankfully the weather was better...
24th May 2024
What a great morning and thankfully, no rain! A big maith sibh to all the pupils...
8th May 2024
As part of our Olympics topic, we learnt some facts about Paris/France where the...
23rd Apr 2024
P1 and P2 enjoyed a morning with Bea from Queen’s University (Sentinus). They...
17th Apr 2024
This week we have been discussing the medals that the athletes will win at the Olympic...
20th Mar 2024
After meeting the lambs that came to our school, we made our own craft lambs using...
20th Mar 2024
As part of our topic, we have been learning about baby lambs that are born in Spring....
11th Mar 2024
We have been learning about the different flowers that grow in Spring as part of...