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St. Paul's Primary School, Cabra, Newry

FOSPA ambitious fundraiser to celebrate 60 years of St Paul’s

13th May 2024

Friends of St Paul’s have launched a plan to raise at least £6,000 in 6 weeks, a £100 a year for the 60 years of St Paul’s, which first opened in April 1964.

The monies will be invested in 16 new iPads for the School.  The current ones are obsolete and there is no opportunity within the school budget to purchase new computers. 

Over 60 families are at St Pauls and it would be great if each family could donate £100.  But in today’s climate not everyone is in a position to donate at this level.  So, they have set up a Go Fund Me page as this makes it easy to share the campaign with friends, family, work and the wider community online.  Past pupils? Retired staff? Local businesses? Any and all donations would be warmly welcomed!

FOSPA is a registered charity and so Gift Aid can be claimed on your donation through Go Fund Me if you are a UK taxpayer.  This is an exciting project for which has the potential to make a huge difference for all of the pupils. Please spread the word on social media so that as many as possible can be involved achieving the target before the end of the School year.   

A Mass to celebrate the schools Diamond anniversary year will be held on the evening of Wednesday 26th June followed with tea and cake in the Hall.  The school archive of roll books and many photographs will be on display for all to enjoy and reminisce.  This is the only fundraising event running this term.  The annual school sponsored walk will run in the next school year.

You can donate at the school, on Go Fund me or at the party after the June mass in Cabra Hall. Please feel free to contact the school on 02840630145 or email Thankyou for your continued support. Gofund link will be shared in the coming days.