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St. Paul's Primary School, Cabra, Newry

Cabra Bingo Night success!

26th Mar 2024

The Friends of St Paul's Association, (FOSPA) wish to thank everyone who came along and supported their Easter Family Bingo last Friday night.  Over £800 was raised in two hours with children, parents, grandparents and neighbours all eyes down for the game.

A big thankyou to Joe Parr for calling the Bingo and making sure we all had a great night’s craic.  Easter eggs and crème eggs were the much sought-after line and house prizes! The raffle winners were:

  1. £40 One4all voucher donated by Ann Gribben from Kidz Universe won by Jamie Trainor 
  2. £30 Downshire Arms voucher won by Paudie Maginnis 
  3. £30 Style4U voucher won by Anna Smyth
  4. £30 Tesco voucher donated by Mr Geoghegan, Principal won by Emma Morgan
  5. £30 Clonduff Club Shop voucher won by Alana Morgan
  6. £20 Tesco voucher donated by Colm & Roisin Kearney won by Emma Day
  7. £20 Clonduff Club Shop voucher won by Oscar Woods
  8. £10 Katie O’s voucher won by Cathaoir Grimes
  9. £10 Katie O’s voucher won by Rachel Ward
  10. £10 Clonduff Club Shop voucher won by Lily Morgan
  11. Large Easer Teddy donated by Colleen Magennis from Avenue Taxis won by Bella Kelly
  12. Lottso Love Easter hamper donated by Cathrina Woods won by Mary Kate Dickson
  13. Tulip flower arrangement donated by Laura Henning won by Ann Tumilty
  14. Bottle of Gin & Easter egg donated by Stephen & Kathy Branagan won by Laura Henning.
  15. Collection of eggs & bottles of wine prize winners were Caden Henning, Cian Brannigan, Helen McAleavey, Noreen Gallagher, Rachel Ward and Oscar Woods.

Thanks to all the parents of St Pauls who donated prizes and to all the local businesses for their raffle sponsorship.  We are grateful to the INF Committee in Hilltown for sponsoring the bingo books.   Many thanks to everyone for coming out in your numbers to Cabra Hall.  It was very much appreciated.