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St. Paul's Primary School, Cabra, Newry

365 seems to be down

10th Jun 2024

Unfortunately 365 app has not sent out some messages. Find attached our What's happening this week

Monday 10th June                                              
School is closed Monday                                         

Tuesday 11th June                                            
Funfit for this week only

Wednesday 12th June                                         
P5-7 School trip                                              
No Mr Benson today                                                                              

Thursday 13th June   

Mini Music P1 & 2

Friday 14th June
P1-4 School Trip

Dinners to be booked for the week.  Please remember not to book on the day your child is on their school trip

School trip money to be paid before the date please.

New School App School Gateway, if you have not downloaded it yet there is an email in your in box, also check spam. Bear with us we are getting there with the app. 

Please note the change on Tuesday to allow for after schools.  For this week only it will be on Tuesday.