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St. Paul's Primary School, Cabra, Newry


2023/2024 School Year

11th Mar 2024
Congratulations to our Pupils of the Week on their hard work and achievements. 
10th Mar 2024
As part of their topic, 'Traditional Tales' and to celebrate World Book Day, P3 and...
8th Mar 2024
The P6/7 class have enjoyed learning all about World War ll. 
8th Mar 2024
Our wonderful P6/7's braved the cold today in Atticall at the Bliotschomórtas...
6th Mar 2024
Our boys and girls are working really hard on their Lexia work. They have shown the...
6th Mar 2024
Congratulations to our Pupils of the Week for showing us how hard they have been...
1st Mar 2024
29th Feb 2024
We had a lovely visit from our diocesan advisor today. He spoke to us about Lent,...
29th Feb 2024
We celebrated our extra day in style. We learned why we have an extra day every four...
26th Feb 2024
Our primary 6 and 7 pupils were treated to a lovely afternoon of Irish language and...